Unveiling the Benefits of Sesame seeds

Unveiling the Benefits of Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds or til (in Hindi) are one of the oldest oilseeds known to the world. These are tiny edible seeds derived from a plant of the Sesamum genus, native to both India and Africa. The nutty flavored seeds that can be purchased either shelled or unshelled hold lot of significance. They not only add awesome flavor to cuisines but also have excellent therapeutic properties.

Sesame seeds are widely used as toppings for bread and grain products, cakes, soups, or as breading for fish & meat. Rich in nutrients & fibres, sesame seeds are known to be effective in healing heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, digestion and more.

Highlighting Health Benefits of Sesame

  • Contributes towards improving bone health:

    The impressive levels of essential minerals like zinc, calcium, and phosphorus serve as an excellent source for your bone health. These minerals are important for building up new bone matter and strengthening and repairing weekend bones.

  • Effective in diabetes:

    Sesame seeds usually contain magnesium that help lower the chances of type-2 diabetes. Some studies also support the theory that sesame seed oil can be used to improve certain diabetes medication’s functionality and regulate the insulin and glucose levels in the body.

  • Good for stronger digestive system:

    Packed with a significant amount of fiber, these seeds can be instrumental in maintaining a healthy digestive system. When consumed in right quantity, the seeds can be useful in overcoming constipation and diarrhea. It can also provide extra protection to the health of your colon and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Keeps heart healthy:

    Some studies suggest that consuming sesame seeds regularly may control high cholesterol and trigylcerides which are the major risk factors for heart diseases. Moreover, as the seeds have higher levels of polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat they are good for a healthy heart.

  • Boosts immunity:

    Presence of multiple nutrients like copper, zinc, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin E and more helps towards improving the production of white blood cells that fight against infections. Anyone suffering from zinc deficiency can consume these nutty seeds to boost the levels. As a rich source of B vitamins, the seeds can be effective in metabolism and regulating cell function.

  • Plays it role in oral health:

    Sesame seeds can reduce plaque formation and help re-mineralize tooth enamel. A method of gargling with sesame oil, known as “oil pulling,” is popular in Ayurvedic medicine. According to one study, it was found that washing with sesame oil was just as effective as using a mouthwash in lowering plaque, gingival scores, and the other bacterial count among a group of patients.

How to get maximum benefits from sesame seeds?

Sesame seeds are easily available at grocery shops /retail stores, herbalists and natural health practitioners. However, to get optimum gains from sesame seeds it’s important to know that seeds are sourced from genuine suppliers. Organic Products India is one company that is known for its top-quality organic products. The brand offers organically grown seeds and spices that are healthy for consumption. The range offered by the company stands out in its texture, natural goodness and packaging.  To ensure your sesame seeds consumption makes a difference, choose Organic Products India – the brand that understands the true value of health!