Black cumin seed also known as Kalonji, black caraway, black seeds and black onion seeds. It is native to south‐eastern Asia and North America. Black seed come from Nigella sativa, a small plant with pale purple, blue, or white flowers that grows in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Middle‐east. The black cumin seed oil has […]
Category Archives: Reports
Soybean – Positive Growth 2017-18
Soybean, is a kharif or summer crop in India which has its native from China. China introduced Soybeans or Soya beans to North America. Since then the crop is widely cultivated in USA, China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina & India. As the consumption of Soybean is less in India, it was cultivated only to be an […]
Import Duty on Edible Oils – A Rift or Connect for Global India?
The Indian Import export market is highly volatile in the recent times due to the changing government reforms. The GOI (Government of India) recently increased the import duties on various edible oils (Sesame, Flax, Soybeans, Mustard, Amaranth etc.) ranging between 60% to 100%. This initiative by the GOI was with a motive to help the […]
GST Effect on India’s Exports
For manufactured product exporters, the most significant impact would be an increased requirement and blockage of working capital. For manufacturing a product, a firm buys locally or imports raw material and machinery. The current export schemes allow firms to buy these without payment of applicable duties through ab-initio exemption or subsequent refund of duties. The […]
Sesame CROP 2016 Report
Sesame annual acreage of the world is near to 16-17 lakh hectares, India ranks first in both acreage and production in the world. India is also one of the leading and the largest exporters of sesame seeds. All states in India normally cultivate sesame crop and the main 4 states, viz. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan […]
Sesame Seeds Market Trends
The Sesame market of India is highly volatile at the moment. There are many reasons for that, however to sum up the main reasons are as below: Import duty levied on import of edible oils & oilseeds Heavy rain fall & floods in the Sesame producing regions of India Less arrival of the crop till […]
Organic Food Market of India
Now a days people are getting more aware of the organically grown foods and their benefits. Organic farming is the big responsibility and it’s done without use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides.This works on the grass root level depending on the reproductive and regenerating capacity of the soil. As per research, India ranked 15th in […]